Jaida Harris, also known as Miss Teacher Bae, originally hails from Conyers, GA. She grew up with her mom, dad, and little sister. As a child, she was always focused to succeed and her family always pushed her towards greatness. In 2017, Jaida earned a Bachelor’s degree in English/History and African-American studies at Emory University. Immediately after graduating, she found herself without a job…so she went back to doing what she knew best–school. During the summer of 2017, Jaida enrolled in Georgetown University’s inaugural Master’s of Arts program in Educational Transformation with a focus on Advocacy and Policy. After a very long and strenuous year, Jaida completed her graduate education in the summer of 2018. At the end of summer 18, Jaida found herself in a similar position to which she was in during the summer of 2017–she was jobless. Frantically applying to many different positions, a public charter school hired Jaida as their 11th grade seminar teacher–THUS Miss Teacher Bae was born!! With only three weeks until her start date, Jaida moved from Washington, D.C to Houston, TX to being her new journey as an adult. Follow her journey here as she navigates not only a new city, but also adulthood.